Map courtesy of mytopo.com
Side Trip on Highway
89 and returning to Highway 395 at Minden,
This side trip loop explores the east slope offerings of the
West and East Fork of the Carson River, as
well as many alpine lakes and reservoirs surrounding the community of
Markleeville. An additional feature is Grover Hot
Springs State Park
just a few miles east of Markleeville.
Highway 395 Junction
with Highway 89 / Turn-off to Markleeville
A few miles short of Topaz
Lake and the border with Nevada, Highway 395 intersects with Highway 89, which
winds up and over Monitor
Pass to the junction with
Highway 4. The route to the junction
with Highway 4 is approximately ____ miles.
The area along Highway 4 is one of our east slope targeted destination, as it covers the East Fork Carson River. Many beautiful campgrounds and crystal clear waters await anglers
eager to fish the East Fork of the Carson River, Silver Creek, and the Highland Lakes.
Highway 4 leads westerly to Stockton,
or when you have sampled the offerings in this area, you may return to Highway
89 in a northerly route until Highway 89 meets Highway 88. Highway 88 winds its way west to Carson Pass or northeast to Minden, Nevada.
Along the way travelers may sample the West Fork of the Carson River, Red Lake, as
well as Upper and Lower
Blue Lake. We will begin our excursion on Highway 4 at its
junction with Highway 89.
For travelers heading to Reno or Carson City and points north on Highway 395, Topaz Lake is just a few miles away. Please note that I have combined fishing and camping notations together for each of the highway side-trips. But first let’s
not forget that Highway 89 passes
Lake, a much publicized
trophy trout lake. I'll cover Heenan Lake first, than fishing and camping along Highway 4 to Ebbetts Pass. Than I will return to the junction of Highway 4 and Highway 89 and cover recreational information for the Markleeville area to Woodford at the junction of Highway 89 and 88. From this junction we will explore the West Fork of the Carson River along Highway 88 all the way to Carson Pass. Near the pass we will explore Red Lake, Lost Lake and the Blue Lakes.
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