Owens River Gorge Section / Below Crowley Lake

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Photo courtesy of David Neal, www.reelmammothadventures.com

Name of river: Owens River / Gorge Section

From Crowley Lake outlet downstream to Pleasant Valley Reservoir, this section of the Owens River has been manipulated by hydroelectric dams and a scarcity of water in some parts of this stretch.  Successful litigation against the City of Los Angeles has insured minimum flows to 36 cfs, after almost fifty years of little or no water in the Gorge.  Access is limited, and I will have to report back on this stretch of river.  The bottom section of the Gorge may be accessed from a trail from Pleasant Valley Reservoir. Directions: From Highway 395, drive north of Bishop approximately ten miles.  Turn right at Gorge Drive at the bottom of Sherwin Grade.  (This entry will be expanded with text and photographs during the summer of 2008.

Tom'sPlace.jpgGorge.jpgMap courtesy of mytopo.com.

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This page contains a single entry by David Archer published on January 20, 2008 8:21 PM.

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Crowley Lake / 31 Miles North of Bishop is the next entry in this blog.

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