Hot Creek / Mammoth Lakes Area

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Name of creek: Hot Creek

Road condition:  Paved to gravel   

Region: Mammoth Lakes    Drainage: Owens River

Description: A classic and world famous catch-and-release spring creek with only one mile of access for the public.

Species: Browns and Rainbows

Closest town or supplies: Mammoth Lakes

Contacts: Mammoth Lakes Visitor Bureau (888) 466-2666 / (760)-924-5500; Rick’s Sports Center (760) 934-3416; The Trout Fitter fly shop (760) 934-2517.

Nearest campground: Convict Lake Campground; Crowley Lake Fish Camp; BLM campsites on Crowley Lake

Fishing season: General       

Tips: As typical on most spring creeks, use long leaders and 6 or 7X tippets.  Favorite patterns are Caddis imitations and small Mayflies.  Oops!  Did I mention single, barbless hooks? As the season progresses so too does the aquatic plant growth.  With prolific numbers of 12-inch fish and a fair number of Browns reaching 16-20 inches, it is no wonder anglers from all around the world come here to test their skills against educated trout who see more visitors than some theme parks.  Nonetheless, skilled anglers are fairly successful, especially during the evening hatches.

Favorite fly patterns: Caddis, Parachute Adams…. Check with a local fly shop

Stocking information:

Nearby fishing: Mammoth Lakes; Crowley Lake; Convict Creek and lake

Additional information: The creek, due to its warm water temperatures, does not freeze during the winter and provides a plethora of insect life that supports a large population of wild trout.  It is estimated that the creek supports upwards of 10,000 fish per mile! Hot Creek has two public access parking areas. Hot Creek Ranch offers private pay to fish access to Hot Creek.

Directions: From Highway 395 drive past Benton Crossing Road above Crowley Lake.  Look for Convict Lake Road on the left across the highway from Mammoth Airport.  Look for the Hot Creek Hatcher Road.  Turn right and follow the dirt road to the access parking areas and hike down to the creek.


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This page contains a single entry by David Archer published on January 20, 2008 8:30 PM.

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