Antelope Lake / South of Susanville
Elevation: 5,000

Road condition: Paved
Region: South of
Susanville, west of Highway 395 and north of
Area/description: A
beautiful alpine setting in a less traveled area,
Species: Planted rainbows and brook trout, browns, largemouth bass and small mouth bass, along with catfish and panfish. The lake offers good fishing for trout in the early summer and fall, and during the hotter months of summer bass fishing can be good.
Closest town or supplies: Quincy, Crescent Mills, Taylorville or Susanville
Facilities: Taylorville: Young’s Market (530) 284-7024
Nearest campgrounds: Boulder Creek Campground, Lone Rock Campground, Long Point Campground
Boating: A boat launch is located on the north shore at Lost Creek Cove.
Fishing season: General season Best times: Early and late season for trout and bass during the hot summer months.
Tips: The best shore fishing is from the dam along the southern shore and the north shore in the Lost Creek area. Trollers do well trolling small lures or nightcrawlers with flashers.
Favorite lures or
Favorite fly patterns:
Stocking information:
20,000+ annually with 50,000
Nearby fishing: Indian
Creek below the dam provides good fishing for small trout. A two-lane road follows the creek south into
Directions: From Highway 395 at the junction with Highway
70, drive ___ miles north past
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