Conklin Park Campground / 24 miles south of Susanville
Return to Highway 395
North to Susanville

Area: Willow
Creek /
Administered by: Beckwourth Ranger District (530) 836-2575
Elevation: 5,900
Season Length: Subject to weather conditions, May-September
Number of sites: 9
Fee: None
RV sites: Yes RV’s up to: 25 No Hook-ups: Garbage: Pack-it-out!
Toilets: Vault Water: No Picnic tables and fire grills
Nearest town: Susanville
Nearby facilities: Susanville
Nearby fishing: Willow Creek is very small but hosts little wild trout.
Reservations: No
Additional information: Willow Creek area was burned in 1989 and the impact is still visible with the new undergrowth. Pets must be kept on a leash. Please note that the dates and prices below are subject to change and reflect 2007 data. If listed, the campground opening dates are approximate due to weather conditions. For reservable campsites, go on line at or phone toll free at 877-444-6777.
Directions: From
Highway 395 at the junction with Highway 70, drive ___ miles north to

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